中康校舍 - 第三十屆校舍理事委員選舉

投票細則如下 Details of e-voting as follows:

1. 每位會員(會員號碼)只能就所屬校舍進行一次投票;重覆者/誤投者將會被取消其所投之所有投


Each member (by membership number) can vote ONCE and under respective campus only.  We will cancel all votes of repeated voter / vote by mistake.
2. 每位會員最多可選出5位候選 閣下為候選者之一,可投自己一票。

Each member can vote for a maximum of 5 candidates; and if you are one of the eligible candidates you can vote for yourself.
3. 是次網上投票之整個流程會由第三者,即滬江維多利亞學校(中學部)家長教師會,執行和監管;計算後之結果亦會交本會委任之義務核數師趙雅穎先生(或其委派之職員)核實作準。

The whole online voting process is administered by a neutral third party, the Victoria Shanghai Academy (Secondary) PTA.  Voting result will be sent to our Honorary Auditor, Mr. Edwin Chiu (and/or his assigned staff) for verification.


我們會於20241016 (星期三) 週年會員大會上宣佈經校本普選而產生的新任家長理事委員名單。如有任何查詢,請聯絡本會 (電話:3798-3027,E-mail:ptaoffc@victoria.edu.hk)。


We will announce the result of the general election at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 16th October, 2024.  Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact your PTA office at 3798-3027 or by e-mail ptaoffc@victoria.edu.hk.