Lower Kornhill Campus - Election of the Thirtieth Executive Campus Sub-Committee

Details of e-voting are as follows:


  1. Each member (by membership number) can vote ONCE and only under their respective campus. We will cancel all votes from repeated voters or those who vote by mistake.


  1. Each member can vote for a maximum of 1 candidate, and if you are one of the eligible candidates, you can vote for yourself.


  1. The entire online voting process is administered by a neutral third party, the Victoria Shanghai Academy (Secondary) PTA. The voting results will be sent to our Honorary Auditor, Mr. Edwin Chiu (and/or his assigned staff) for verification.



We will announce the results of the general election at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact your PTA office at 3798-3027 or via email at ptaoffc@victoria.edu.hk.