Enhancing Professional Development at Teachers’ Development Day
Victoria Educational Organisation (VEO) hosted its annual Teachers’ Development Day on 23 August! This year’s event brought together teachers from all nine campuses, focusing on sustainable professional development and the continued pursuit of excellence in education.

The day commenced with an inspiring address by Mrs. Jennifer Yu Cheng, Supervisor of VEO. She provided updates on the organisation’s 5-Year Strategic School Development Plan and announced the kick-off of VEO’s 60th anniversary—a momentous occasion celebrating six decades of dedication to nurturing young minds and advancing early childhood education.

As a leading organisation in early childhood education, VEO places great importance on talent management and staff development. We believe that unlocking potential starts with empowering our educators. This commitment was evident throughout the day, where enriching workshops and interactive sessions were designed to equip our teachers with the essential skills and knowledge to for delivering high-quality education.

Experienced educators, including Ms Lucilla Leung, former Headmistress of St. Paul Co-educational College Primary School; Prof Doris Cheng, Associate Professor of The Education University of HK; and Dr Jennifer Chang Wathall, Part-time Instructor of The University of Hong Kong, were invited to share their expertise in language development, phonics, music and speech therapy, physiotherapy, deep learning, and leadership. These sessions provided valuable insights and practical strategies that teachers can integrate into their classrooms, enhancing teaching practices and student outcomes.

The day also was filled with engaging activities aimed at boosting teamwork, exploring new skills, and fostering stronger communication among colleagues. Teachers had the opportunity to step outside their usual routines, connect with peers from other campuses, and strengthen bonds essential for a cohesive and collaborative educational environment.
As we progress, VEO remains dedicated to working with our teachers to empower students. Our shared goal is to prepare students to navigate our rapidly changing world as lifelong learners with a global perspective.

Together, we continue to strive towards excellence, ensuring that our teachers are well-equipped and inspired to lead the way in early childhood education!