Infant & Toddler Programme
Bee Bee Kids Programme

Victoria (Kornhill) Nursery (Upper Kornhill Campus) offers the highest quality Bee Bee Kids programme for infants and toddlers aged 8 to 36 months. The curriculum is designed to inspire children and stimulate their development through a wide range of music, art, language, physical and sensory activities. By interacting with our English- and Chinese-speaking teachers, and participating in daily activities in an interactive learning environment, the children develop their skills, express their emotions and establish close relationships with others. The VEO classroom is both a stimulating and nurturing environment that encourages students to embark on their own inquiry-based learning journeys to new concepts, core values and vital future ready skills.

Across our infant and toddler programme, we are laser-focused on three key learning outcomes:

I Can Explore Children learn to explore their environment using their senses.
I Can Speak Children use music, movement, art and language to express their thoughts and feelings.
I Feel and I Care Children learn to build positive relationships with adults and other children.

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