Key Dates
Application Timeline
Academic Year Programme Level Application Period Interview Date(s)
1st interview
2nd interview*
Result Announcement
2025/26 Nursery (K1) 9 Sep 2024 10:00AM to 21 Oct 2024 12:00NN 2 Nov 2024 14 – 22 Nov 2024 6 Dec 2024
2025/26 Pre-Nursery (PN) 16 Sep 2024 10:00AM to 16 Dec 2024 12:00NN 10 Jan 2025 or 11 Jan 2025 20 – 23 Jan 2025 or 11 – 12 Feb 2025 26 Feb 2025
2024/25 Rolling admissions for PN – K3 All year round The campus you have selected will contact you directly about the interview arrangement. There will be no further notifications from VEO if the campus does not have a vacancy. -
2025/26 Rolling admissions for K2 – K3 From 9 Sep 2024 10:00AM onwards The campus you have selected will contact you directly about the interview arrangement. There will be no further notifications from VEO if the campus does not have a vacancy. -
2024/25 Infant & Toddler All year round Application shall be confirmed subject to availability of places -
* Only shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a 2nd interview
Infant & Toddler
8 - 36 Months
Nursery (K1) or
Pre-Nursery (PN)
1 year 10 months -
3 years 11 months

Pre-Nursery (PN) to Upper Class (K3)

Lower Class (K2) to Upper Class (K3)